USI Theatre presents “Twelfth Night”

April 24, 2022 @ 2:00 pm
USI Performance Center
8600 University Blvd
IN 47712

USI Theatre presents its second Shakespeare production, “Twelfth Night,” directed by Elliot Wasserman. Twelfth Night is a fast-paced romantic comedy with several interwoven plots of romance, mistaken identities and practical jokes – this is one comedy that you don’t want to miss! Our students will be joined on stage by professional Actors Equity actors Ronald Keaton and Bryan Vickery with professional stage management by Margaret Kayes.

In compliance with CDC guidelines and the USI COVID-19 Task Force, there will be a reduced number of seats available. Masks are welcome but not required for audience members. Our actors will be unmasked.

Ticket prices: USI Students $2, USI Employees & Alumni $10, Adults $12, Seniors (60+) $10, Non-USI Students $4

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